Cocoa the secret elixir to living a healthy life well past 100?

Did you know that the Kuna Indians from the San Blas Archipelago in Panama have discovered a delicious secret to longevity? Their trick to living longer and healthier might be in your kitchen or on your desk: cocoa!

1,280% lower risk heart disease

The Kuna people drink ten times more cocoa than their mainland neighbors, and the results are staggering. Imagine having a 1,280% lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 630% lower risk of cancer-related deaths! Researchers like Dr. Norman Hollenberg and Benjamin Kean, along with a 2007 study backed by Mars, uncovered that the magic lies in the cocoa's polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. These compounds, especially flavonols in the flavanoids, like epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidins, are health powerhouses. They improve blood flow, pack a punch against inflammation, and help ward off chronic diseases, including cancer.

Olmec, Maya and Aztec medicines

This isn't new knowledge. We're just catching up with centuries-old wisdom. Ancient manuscripts from the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec civilizations (16th to 18th centuries) boasted over a hundred medicinal uses for cacao-based drinks, from better digestion to overall wellness. We rediscovered the cocoa of the Mayas and Aztecs, but we didn't take their health claims seriously. The Kuna Indians, however, did, and the benefits speak for themselves.

The more processing, the less benefit

But before you dash to the nearest store to stock up on chocolate bars, there's a catch. The processing methods of big chocolate makers strip away most of the beneficial polyphenols, leaving you with a sugary treat that's more harmful than helpful.


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